Friday, July 28, 2006

Why hello there

I friggin' love this picture. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because it was taken by a professional photog. Or maybe because we look pretty awesome in it. Anyway, thought I should share it with the world.

Monday, July 24, 2006

this has got to be some sort of record

Bad dream # 234 last night: Gar, you had killed somebody and I was trying to help you cover it up. You were hiding in some underground thing, as in, literally underground: like you were in the dirt covered by a layer of sod. It was near a stream and then there were these half sloth/half iguana creatures of all different sizes coming after me out of the stream.

I'm going to go watch the care bears movie followed by 2-3 hours of sesame street in hopes that my curse will end.

P.S. Work sucked today. Need a break. When the hell am I supposed to do all of the reading/application-filling-out/paper writing/taking-care-of-pregnant-wife that I need to be doing?!?

Sunday, July 23, 2006

scary stressful dreams all around

So last night's dreams continued my streak of stressbombs: I was watching some news report about a highway being built along the highest edge of all the mountains of the wasatch front, and this seemed perfectly logical in my dream, but it stressed me out anyway. It was one of these highways:

except, instead of being along a cliff over the ocean, it was along a cliff over salt lake. Then I was up on a mountain (continuing the height theme) and just about everyone important to me was falling off. All of a sudden I was like 2000 feet tall and I was reaching down trying to stop everyone from falling off with my enormous hand. But the people up close looked like pieces of kibbles and bits. Then I had to go try to find the surviving members of my family to tell them that everybody died and it was my fault. I saw pete lying down and he was supposedly dead. He had a white washcloth covering his face, but then I noticed he was actually alive and I tried to bring him back to life.
Man, I'm stressed just remembering these friggin' dreams. Good thing I'm not on call for...oh wait, tomorrow. Sonnova...
2 more weeks of this craziness. I hope I dream of gumdrop fairies in a lollipop forrest tonight. Currently watching the intro to the Miss Universe pageant. Should help with the good dreams. Well, the USA girl's clown-jockey outfit will probably give me nightmares.

p.s. I stabbed a hole into a man's stomach today. On purpose.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

When you sleep for 8 years, your dreams are guaranteed to be interesting

I was in some huge stadium that was supposed to be the Tabernacle, and 50,000 people were singing the song we used to sing in East High A'Cappella: How lovely is thy dwelling place.  The sound was NUTS.  It was pretty cool.  

Put my car on craigslist today.  I can no longer justify my car payment being more than my rent used to be.  Also 17 mpg is pretty rough.  I'm looking at the Toyota Yaris.  I will be one of those people with the bumper sticker, "Don't laugh, asshole."

How my computer sees me:

So long, self respect.

I woke up at 11:00 this a.m. and watched the Ellen Degeneres show. It was a rerun.

Actually, I think she is very funny. So there.

I will now go out and accomplish many great and important things with my day. Not the least of which being to shower. And to put on clean clothes. And possibly leave the house.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

It's that time again

Presenting the third semi-weekly middle-of-the-freakin'-night post! It is now 3:24 a.m. I am sitting in the triage area. I just had a random fit of chills and my homie says, "that was an ague," and I was all, "wuhhhhhhh?" Check it:
Ague: A fever (such as from malaria) that is marked by paroxysms of chills, fever, and sweating recurring regular intervals. Also a fit of shivering, a chill. Hence, ague can refer to both chills and fevers.
"Aigue" entered English usage in the 14th century, having crossed the channel from the Middle French "aguë". The word share the same origin as "acute." It descends from the Latin "acutus" meaning "sharp or pointed". A "fievre aigue" in French was a sharp or pointed (or acute) fever.

Isn't that interesting? Yes. Yes it is.

By the way, at one point this evening my shirt looked like this:

Pete, you won't want to read this:
Scene: a trauma center.
Med student: "Ma'am, how are you feel..."
Med student: "Ok, then."
End Scene.
It was awful. But not nearly as awful as being the person who is so sick that she vomited food chunks and blood.
Josh out.

Monday, July 17, 2006

so precious

So I planted these seeds from Target a few weeks ago. I even purchased topsoil so that they might find purchase in the rocky land of our barren front yard. I had long ago given up hope that they would ever sprout, and then to my wondrous surprise, look what appeared:

There are 3 more even tinier sprouts. I can't tell you how proud I am of myself. Although, you could probably guess by the fact that I'm spending this much time documenting it.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Just read over my last post. The last line is utterly poetic.
I'm going to go gave a pee-break now.

The Whiching Our

It is 5:04 in the morn. Once again, I have spent my night witnessing horrifying things. But tonight was special. I was supposed to take my first patient "by myself." It just so happened that when my turn came up, it was some poor bastage who decided to die on the table. Poor Josh was standing there like a slow kid on the curb, when CPR began. The man was miraculously revived and then rushed in for surgery (which I got to scrub in on) and his life was saved again but in a more permanent fashion (i.e., stopping all the blood from gushing out of his orifices). It was mind blowing. Some serious beating-heart-and-heaving-lungs-right-before-your-very-eyes action. And I got to help close for the first time in ages. I was rusty, but it looked ok. Crazy fest, no? I'm so tired right now, I don't even know what tone this post is striking. Are tones even struck? Whatever.
So last night I dreamt, I mean, not last night, but the night before, anyway...
I dreamt that I was at a house who's back yard was an impossibly steep cliff with a breathtaking view of Canyonlands, and the front of the house was along a cliffside highway in Hawaii. There were a lot of people there at a party of sorts. Mostly nondescript friends of parents type people. Then I made out with some girl from high school that I hadn't thought about in years until Rob and I went through the yearbook the other day. Ok, now I revealed too much.
I'm going to be a father in about 5 weeks. I'm excited, and not all that nervous. OK, lets stop this post before I start revealing things that I'll REALLY regret.
Gave a nice evening. Peace out.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The frog returned

Now I could snap him with the new camera. He's pretty cute. We should have eaten him yesterday.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Happy Quatorze Juilliet everybody!

In honor of Bastille Day, below are the words to the French National Anthem: La Marseillaise. A friend emailed me today and reminded me how sweet and, I mean...what the hell? "May impure blood water our fields?" Holy crap. This song is messed up. But hey, at least it mentions boobies. Can't say that about The Star Spangled Banner (unless you count "the bombs bursting in air," or unless you imagine that "what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming" were actually boobies.)

Let's go children of the fatherland,
The day of glory has arrived!
Against us tyranny's
Bloody flag is raised! (repeat)
In the countryside, do you hear
The roaring of these fierce soldiers?
They come right to our arms
To slit the throats of our sons, our friends!


Grab your weapons, citizens!
Form your batallions!
Let us march! Let us march!
May impure blood
Water our fields!

This horde of slaves, traitors, plotting kings,
What do they want?
For whom these vile shackles,
These long-prepared irons? (repeat)
Frenchmen, for us, oh! what an insult!
What emotions that must excite!
It is us that they dare to consider
Returning to ancient slavery!

What! These foreign troops
Would make laws in our home!
What! These mercenary phalanxes
Would bring down our proud warriors! (repeat)
Good Lord! By chained hands
Our brows would bend beneath the yoke!
Vile despots would become
The masters of our fate!

Tremble, tyrants! and you, traitors,
The disgrace of all groups,
Tremble! Your parricidal plans
Will finally pay the price! (repeat)
Everyone is a soldier to fight you,
If they fall, our young heros,
France will make more,
Ready to battle you!

Frenchmen, as magnanimous warriors,
Bear or hold back your blows!
Spare these sad victims,
Regretfully arming against us. (repeat)
But not these bloodthirsty despots,
But not these accomplices of Bouillé,
All of these animals who, without pity,
Tear their mother's breast to pieces!

Sacred love of France,
Lead, support our avenging arms!
Liberty, beloved Liberty,
Fight with your defenders! (repeat)
Under our flags, let victory
Hasten to your manly tones!
May your dying enemies
See your triumph and our glory!


We will enter the pit
When our elders are no longer there;
There, we will find their dust
And the traces of their virtues. (repeat)
Much less eager to outlive them
Than to share their casket,
We will have the sublime pride
Of avenging them or following them!


Wow, you actually read the whole thing? You get a gold star.

Off for 30 hours in a row. Don't know what to do with myself.

First of all, check out this preview. It's funny.
Second of all, There are about 39 things everyday that occur to me each day that would be "bloggable." Then I get home, start typing (much like this), and can't remember them.
Anywho, here is a memorable moment from 2 nights ago:

Here is memorable moment number 2:

Here is another picture of my cat because I have nothing else to photograph:

In other news, my laptop died. I'm sure I lost all kinds of important information. Not the least of which being our finances. That's ok, I'm sure my creditors will find me.
Roberto! What's going on, amigo? I got really used to you being around. I need my wingman! Remember when I told you that I wasn't a big fan of that ubiquitous song "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley? Well, now I dig it.
Also, the new Keane album is pretty sweet. Jared gave me a stellar review and I decided I had to have it.
So, I got this Mole removed on Wednesday. The wound on my shoulder is ENORMOUS. Apparently he felt like he needed to take Necrotizing Fasciitis-caliber margins. Judas. I'll let you all know if I'm dying.
Ah, just thought of something else that died with my laptop: the files supporting Balls.

Motorcycles suck almost as much as guns.

That's it for now, stay tuned for more news later here on MTV.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Take a looky-look at the clock.

It is currently 2:44 in the a.m. I am at the hospital. It has been one of the craziest days of my young medical career. I never knew so much could go so wrong to so many people in one day. I have seen and/or smelled a sampling of every bodily fluid. I have seen all the major organs. I have seen death and life-saving heroics. This is one crazy career choice I have made.

P.S. Drive slowly. Wear your seat belt. Lay off the illicit substances. Oh yeah...and guns suck. Lots.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 the way

(Click on pic)

Yeah...holy crap.

Do, or do not. There is no try.

New camera + afternoon off = weird crap like this.

Also, you mac owners out there (that's you Ryan. Oh, and Rob, too) will enjoy this: Super Nintendo for Macs. P.S. It's free. Look how "cool" I am:

Sunday, July 09, 2006

the vacation draws to a close...

Roberto and I had a fine time in North Carolina. Wish we had about a week longer. Please see this page for full documentation. Also, please note ROB's new blog up over there---->
i am so proud.
Traumu awaits in t-minus 10 hours and 45 minutes. Wish me luck.
P.S. This is terrifying:

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Pennsylvania Wedding II: The Wild and the Bubbly

Dum..dum.dum...Another one bites the dust!
We went up to Lancaster, PA this weekend, which, contrary to prior beliefs, is not 4 hours away. Mitch and Marianne tied the proverbial knot. It was loads of fun. Here are a selected few of the pics from this fantastico trip.

My first stop in Lancaster was at the Denture store. So convenient.

Lancaster was filled with adorable little slices of Americana. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any to photograph.

This is actually a composite of 4 different pictures. These stained glass windows were at the church where M&M became MR. & MRS. M&M. I love the little figures underneath each apostle. It feels like the sidekicks that come with action figures. I'm sure they have some significance that is far beyond my paltry religious knowledge. Anyway, I just thought they all looked really cool.

My second favorite stained glass: this one obviously inspired by Lady and the Tramp. Seriously, what is this dog? It's probably in Revalations.

That night we had the rehearsal dinner at a log cabin. Here is the lovely couple. I ate my filet mignon medium rare. It was a big step for me.

Chris and I: taken during the actual ceremony. I'm such a rebel. It was good to see you, man. Sorry for mocking you so much. Wait, no I'm not.

Here we have Mitch begging Marianne to let him play the back nine. She was not going for it.

Jesus and Priam. He looks very suspicious of me. No wait, I know that look...oh yeah...annoyed.

Jesus again. Did I mention he was the best man? Well, he was. And he wished peace upon us all.

Just after the speeches. Mitch's was better than mine. Curse you!

Poor Becky (Mitch's mom) was assaulted by multiple groomsmen. It was both horrifying and AWESOME.

My cute and very pregnant wife cutting a SERIOUS rug with Katie and the assaulters from above.

Rice was replaced by bubbles. I forget why. Oh yeah, I think it was so that pigeons didn't gorge themselves and die. Also, it looked pretty.

It looks like they're about to make the jump to light speed.

I just missed their make-out session. But at least I got the videographer with her Chewbacca battery pack (joke stolen).

The bubble blowing didn't stop there. In fact, I don't think it ever stopped.

Download this pic and the last one and alternate looking at each one really fast. It's like a movie.

I'm telling you, it was nonstop bubbles for hours.

At home we were greeted by this indescribable thing.