Thursday, October 26, 2006

then quothe the raven: nevermore

Fact: Yesterday morning as I left my house, approximately 1 million and one half birds were seen flying and making amazing noises. They appeared to be of the crow/raven variety. See exhibits 1.1 and 1.2.

Exhibit 1.1

Exhibit 1.2

Fact: Later that same day I visited a church/burial grounds across the street from the hospital where I "work." One Edgar A. Poe was buried therein. See Exhibit 1.3.

Exhibit 1.3.

Eerie coincidence? I

I saw some other sweet things that were mesmerizing. You know what, I use the word "sweet" far too often. Today I shall instead use whatever the first word is listed in my thesaurus for sweet. Ready, ok here we go. It was "sugary." Ok, so here are some other sugary pics.

Behind this door people dressed in oddly shaped and randomly colored uniforms splatter paint across patients backs in hopes that this will cure them.

This is the it shaft. This is where it is placed. Which is cool, because if you're looking for it, it will be here.

Totally sugary marble bench in Poe's cemetary.

People had left coins on Poe's tombstone and it took all that I had not to steal this one. I did turn it over to check it's date though. It was a 1950. Big whoop.

This dude apparently thought the cemetary was as cool as I did.

And there you have it, folks. A totally sugary set of pics.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Sir Psycho

Story #2 from the student learning center. So, I'm waiting for a free 'puter to check my email and I happen to see that some dude is emailing with some font for the visually impaired so as to be perfectly readable (aka legible) from across the room. I tried to stop but I couldn't help but read especially after reading the first line (imagine in huge blue font, and seeing the sketchy early forties dude pecking out 3 letters a minute):
Dear Mom,
I'm not in Baltimore.

Wait, what? Yes you are!
My friend invited me down to Florida and I'm staying at her house. It's about 80 degrees. I love it here.

Ok, this dude is a liar! And to his own mother!
He then proceeded to explain that he would get her back the money he owed her as soon as he could. He also kept writing "really and truly" and once even wrote "really and truly and honestly." He then said a bunch of stuff about being sorry and then started saying how much he loved her and how she was the only thing he needed in his life and that he was hoping she would have him back.
I'm sure you're all thinking that I'm a scumbag for reading this dude's email, but I couldn't stop myself. I finally got an open computer kitty-corner from this dude. And the next thing I know, I look up and he's typing the most vulgar email I've ever seen. We're talking the stuff of the movies you can only get in that corner room of the video store behind the curtain. It was gnarly. And also hilarious. I can't believe people actually write that stuff! And then it finished off with some real lovey-dovey "I love you so much and miss you terribly." Plus some misspelled words. I can only hope that sometime in the interim he stopped emailing his mother and moved on to some other person. Possibly a page from the House of Representatives.

P.S. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is perhaps the funniest t.v. show of the decade. Watch it. All of you. Gar, that means you. It's on FX, so there's even real cuss-werds!

P.P.S. I'm going to Los Angeleeese on November 7th. Anybody cool enough to meet me there?

Sunday, October 22, 2006

ohhhhhh, boy.

Luke finally exits the closet.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Track this, biznatch

Just to prove that the other video's hideous static wasn't my fault. And to show off Jason interacting with a crazy parrot.

Wait for it...wait for it!!!

prepare yourself

No caffeine shall be ingested 2 hours prior to the viewing of this film. Please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times.
P.S. I apologize for the ridiculously poor quality of this film. Evidently the family noticed it's amazingly addictive qualities and watched it 5 or 6 hundred times until they had stretched the film to it's outer limits. Ok, enjoy.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

And now with pictures!

U.S. Air was sub-par for me this week, as far as airlines go. After being delayed for a billion years in st. louis, I got to phily where we promptly sat on the asphalt about 50 feet from the gate for 45 minutes because of a lightning storm. I then had to rush to my next gate to catch my 3rd and final flight of the day to Baltimore. Unfortunately, the way to the shuttle was not as clearly marked as I would have needed and before I knew it I found myself outside of security with no way of getting back in. The lady kindly offered that I could "go outside and walk down 2 terminals." Seeing as I had 15 minutes to catch my flight, it was more of a "run." A run in those same uncomfortable dress shoes mentioned in an earlier post. Of course, and unlike in the movies, all of my running did not pay off, other than in the form of feeling faint and nauseated, and they would not let me on the plane. To add some extra frustration the plane was sitting right there, and continued to sit right there for another 20 minutes, but no Josh's were allowed to board. I will skip to the point which is this: I spent the night in the Philadelphia airport on a bench just like this one:

Those armrests look comfortable, don't they? This is how awesome I looked after 5 hours on one of those bad boys:

Note the fatigue/frustration-induced acne.
But whatevs, I got home safe, and that's what counts. Here are some other sweet pics from my midwestern sojourn:

The last plane I boarded (number 6 of the trip), at sunrise, no less.

At least the airline catered to the many wizards and sorcerers aboard our flying craft. [Insert broom joke here]

Ricky-Bobby would be proud.

Isn't autumn perty? Reminds me of broccoli.
Going back to the beginning of the trip for a moment.

Me, at the beginning. Judas! I don't look any different. How upsetting.

Sweet indoor tram in the Detroit airport that alters spacetime when photographed appropriately. Also sweet, it's just above gate ASS. Hey, speaking of ass, I saw this 'un the other day:

I love maryland. I wonder if anybody even noticed.
Ok, back to the trip.

This was the caliber of vehicle I was shuttled about in. I think the pilot was a webelos.

The thriving metropolis of Columbia, Missouri. Yes, folks, this is the whole airport. I could fill a chapter just on the events at this great place, but I'm not going to.

House we could probably afford even on a resident's salary.

House we could probably afford if I sold my man-wares.

Super blurry shot over St. Louis. Wow, even I'm bored.

Flew over the hospital where I had my OB rotation. If you squint you can see my testicles.

Sweet shot of Baltimore as we were landing. Double bonus, step back and this looks like a view from the space shuttle.

Fort McHenry. Look it up, and then please rise for the National Anthem.

Some wheels and the plane's shadow if you're really spiffy.

Those white lines!!!

Ok, everybody make that sound.

Alright, that's the trip. I'm so tired. So, so very tired. I also got selected for the extra-groping by TSA folks today. I think my smell set off their terror-sensors.

tape delay

I am sitting in the St. Louis airport. I was supposed to fly to Detroit from here and then finally to Baltimore. But my flight to Detroit was delayed so they transferred me to another flight. That flight then decided to be full. So I went back and was transferred to yet another flight this time to Philadelphia where I will supposedly connect to Baltimore. However, it is now 6:17 p.m. and the flight to Phily which wass supposed to take off at 6:25 is now posted only as “delayed.” There is not a gate agent in sight. Just 100 people who keep, like myself, looking up to see if any sort of airline employee gives a rat’s about this flight. I have been stuck in St. Louis before, actually in 1998 on my way to France. Oh my goodness, an employee, I must go. No wait, she just walked by and went down our gate without saying a word to anyone. Awesome. I don’t even have internet to kill time with. I’m writing this in word and by the time you’re reading this I will have found access to the internet and copied these very words. The ones that I’m typing right now. Each one of these l-e-t-t-e-r-s. OK, the jet-lag is getting to me. Just as long as I don’t have to ride on another 10-seater airplane. It felt like that old white roller coaster at Lagoon, except without the “comfort” of being attached to wood.

Monday, October 09, 2006

say what?!?!

Sooooooooooooooooooooo...(I always start posts with "so," don't I...oh well), yeah, so I went to the student learning center in the hospital which actually should be called the whoever the hell wants to use the free internet center. It was full of peeps so I sat and waited. I could not help noticing that one lady, who was a bit oldish (maybe 60's) and Asian, which may or may not be important to this story, was looking up the word "talent" on wikipedia. She then looked it up on some other crap dictionary site. And then another. She then proceeded to click on all of the random links on different pages that probably never-ever-ever get used by anyone else. You know, like the random, what is this? link or the tech issues link. And then she just followed each seemingly random click to it's next inexplicable location until I was thoroughly confused.

Let's have a contest. Peeps: let's hear some reasons why this woman could possibly have been behaving in the manner in which she was behaving in. In. In. In-in.

I have my thoughts, but I will guard them.

In other news, tomorrow I'm off to the wild blue yonder (read: Missouri) in my boring new conservative suit with my pimped-out yet uncomfortable cordovan shoes to try and whore myself out to a residency program. Wish me luck. The 2 layovers each way should be especially enjoyable.

Alright, peeps (I believe that's it's 3rd usage this post). I'm out.

p.s. so, a nuke went off in Korea last night, yet's "most popular story" continues to be Jolie, Pitt start work in India.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Holy crapfest

The family's back together. It's great to be home and actually have a wife and child again. Look how freakin' cute she is:

Not to brag, but I mean, come on...I make a cute baby! Well we did. ok, I'm an idiot.

On the dream front, I had one of those, driving down an impossibly steep hill for hours on end, type of dreams. It was stressful.

I'm going to Missouri this week. Wish me luck. Actually, I don't think I've ever been wait, that's not true. I was in St. Louis for a night once. Hmm...maybe a fun project will be figuring out which states I haven't been in. Yeah, that sounds friggin' thrilling!

Ok, I'm off to enjoy my fam-fam. To all the extended fam-fam: get your booty-dips out here for Thanksgiving! Or I will see you at Christmas. Can't wait.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

impulse purchase

Jon Heder's Celebrity playlist on iTunes is the funniest one ever. I forgot about this song! It rules!

Why, hello there.

So Radiology is truly as much of a vacation as I was advised. Pretty sweet. It has allowed me to find time to do things like...find a totally sweet new free piece of software that will let you add a 3D model of your house to google earth. Look what I made:

It's called Google SketchUp (like Ketchup-Geniuses!) and can be found on I'm sure. If you are like me, and are a big dork, you will dig it. You should definitely do the tutorials though.

Ok, dorkout session finished.

So I spent a bleeding month (quite literally at some points) in Utah and now I'm back. My poor car had been ignored so long that a rather large cobweb had developed on it. Actually, I don't believe it can be called a cobweb until the MAMMOTH HORRIFYING CREATURE occupying it's center has long been dead.

This picture doesn't quite do it justice, but the mrs. has hijacked, er...rightfully taken posession of my, er...our nice camera.
Speaking of the Mrs., look how cute she is:

But for crap's sake! Could we live in the same city please?
Whilst in Utah I got some major chill time in with Rygar and Broooooke (5 o's means you're special). They approved of the baby:

I also saw the sisters, although I failed to get a full face (see above) phone pic of LarLar binks so this will have to suffice:

Cerebro drove us around. It (and she) rocked. Literally. Well the "she" part was literally true.

Cerebro's offspring was pretty dang sweet. He is Charlie Brown! Just look at him!

I love my house. I don't want to move. Can I have my house moved to wherever I match, please?

p.s. Did I already blog about this? My textbook describes the kidney as "a kidney-bean shaped organ." I believe the kidney bean was named for the...oh never mind.