Thursday, December 27, 2007

pic and flick

Lucie multitasks.

P.S. Due to lucie's continuing ability to call people for realsies from her mommies cell phone including, but certainly not limited to, Me, Gar, the secretary of the chairman of a program that I have applied to, we have now suspended all previous cell phone priveleges and issued her an old cell phone that she can dial on to her heart's content.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Alrighty, so my backlog of photos is getting to me. It is 8:13 p.m. and I just woke up from my post-call nap. This is traditionally the time where I look at the clock and just right back to sleep through the rest of the night, but I feel a bit wired, so instead I'm finally going to put enough pics on here to satisfy myself. I'd just like to say that I have already worked 63 hours from Monday to Thursday. Yay me! Ok, buckle's photo time. [note, these photos span from late october to now, so deal with that]

During my DC trip I went on a little nostalgia run. Thank me for sparing you all of the photos. But this one is key. This building is called the Toilet.

And this one is called the Shopping Bag.

I'm pretty sure this was my piano teacher's house. Sar, can you confirm? Sar, do you read my blog? Sar, if I mention your name three times in a post are you summoned before me? Sadly, no.

Perhaps the coolest accidentally-neato photo ever. My iPhone occasionally does this weird fisheye effect but this time it perfectly spared the middle part with Dubya's house. Crazy, eh?

Travelling on a plane with Lucie is infinitely easier with Melissa. This adorable picture is improved upon only by knowing that it was taken 0.5 seconds before Lucie beat her mother over the head mercilessly with that sippy cup.

Garbie's facial hair is in full swing. I'm a fan.

During my penultimate visit to Utah, Largies and Garbies at Mom's. Look how official Lar-Lar is!

My kid, who is 540 miles away right now, and therefore terribly missed, just being cute. And getting huge.

A refreshing break from the usual "all-natural, no artificial sweeteners" agenda.

The Best Truckstop Mexican Food between Rock Springs and Laramie.

Thank you, Denver International Airport Tram. My life is enriched. Seriously. And it's a quote by my junior high's mascot! Double bonus!

WTF? So I have to wear a dress to change my child?

New Orleans was a bit of a trip (double entendre, anyone?). Exhibit A: Palm trees and 80 degree weather in November.

Exhibit B: Sweet frenchiness everywhere.

It seemed a bit backwards down there however. Exhibit C.

Back at work: perty sunset from the 'spital.

Springfield, IL. I believe this was the actual springfield that the Simpsons is based in. K-Mart was a highlight of the town.

See! It's that Springfield! Ok, so it's not nuke-u-lar. Close enough.

Crossing the Mighty Mississippi. I should have photographed all of my rental cars. I logged some serious miles. This was in a camry I think. Ooh...exotic!

I was in the St. Louis Airport when all of a sudden I had one of those strange connections. On my way to France in 1998 we got stuck in St. Louis because of a storm and I remember this plane. I also remember sneaking a phone call home from the airport and my "travel companion" making me feel horrible for joking that I might turn on the t.v. in our hotel room. SINNER!

DIA became a very familiar site/sight. Unfortunately I got a little too comfortable and started to forget where I would park in the economy lot which led to one particular episode of wandering through a blizzard for 20 minutes with no coat before finding my damnable car.


Man, if we had gone to Lubbock I would have frequented the crap out of this place. Best too-nice-of-a-mexican-restaurant-to-have-a-drive-thru-but-has-one-anyway in all of west Texas.

We prepared Lucie for the frozen Tundra of Utah.

Roberto! Ladies, look at this guy. What a catch! Of course he dropped her on her head right after this. I'm JUS' Kidding!!!

Yasson! I watched a touch of HDDVD goodness, Apollo 13 style on his massive tv. NUTS.

Lucie with a cute dog that didn't try to kill her.

Lucie kickin' it in grandpa's shoes.

Lucie teasing Garbie's cute new kitty-meow.

Unky gar is looking unhappy! Maybe it's cause Lucie was attempting to destroy brook's place.

She's finally figured out (sort-of) presents!

A choo choo that was too-slow for me on the way home.

Another iPhone trick: Doesn't this look like it was taken against a blue screen?

Saw lots of this lately.

Wind-electricity-things rule!

Self-explanatory. (Captions beginning to falter...Josh is now ready for sleep.)

Perhaps the photo of which I am the most proud. See what you miss if you don't stop to pee once in a while?!?

Same pee stop, but now you can see my sweet ride!

Lucie will go into business. Or the arts. But this is cute anyway.

More cuteness.

Lar is 21! HOLY CRAP!!! Brook is less excited about it.

Garbies and Gramps chatting away.

A dog that did try to kill my daughter.

Ok, wait...this is the photo of which I am most proud. Seriously, gar...what is going on! I should put a black bar over your eyes and put you in a neurology textbook.

Present time! Car-tar was in on the action.

Lucie loves her some stroller-pushing (see previous zoo post).

Next time I will fly. This was scary.

As close as I got to seeing the Close Encounters mountain. What is up with Wyoming and weird stand-alone mountains?

Finally I have a camera that can take decent moon pics! I am so stoked!

Look how sweet this friggin' is!

So there you have it. I am caught up with blog photos.

BTW, Dad won the law contest (see below). He will receive a sweet song from iTunes.

By the way, In Rainbows is amazing. Perhaps the greatest part of driving back and forth from Utah to Denver was the opportunity to listen to tons and tons of music. Ryan Adams Love is Hell Pt. 1 is also a new fav. The Shadowlands is one of those songs that feels so familiar, like I heard it in the womb. Also, a good friend pointed out Jonatha [sic] Brooke. Wow.

I should find out tomorrow whether we're moving to the midwest. Everybody cross your fingers (for your respective causes).

Pete inspired me to give some end of the year thoughts. Having travelled all over the bleeding country and especially with the opportunity to come home for a whole week recently, I want my friends and family to know that it was amazing to see you. It always seems bittersweet because I get home so infrequently and seeing the people you love for 2 hours every few months sometimes is just enough time to make you miss them more. I guess, I will wrap this cheeseball in the following shiny plastic film: those of us who are fortunate enough to live in close proximity to people we love, should count ourselves lucky.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it. Did I mention that I want to rename this blog "So..." It kind of seems like my thing.

However, unlike Petarsky, I am not promising that this will be my last "missive*," so... (there it is again) keep your collective panties on.

*had to look that one up.