Melissa rented Knowing with Nicolas Cage and I rolled my eyes. Ever since he entered his post-family man, National "I can't believe they made two of them" Treasure, what-the-hell-is-going-on-with-his-hair
*ryan and/or peter
**again, ryan and/or peter
***you get the idea
In other news, a while back I barked at lucie for heaven knows what and she started crying, as she is wont to do. Then she floored me with the following remark: "Daddy, I'm just a widdow girw!" I immediately melted into pieces and gave her whatever she wanted (probably a knife or mixed drink). She picked up on this, however, and now throws that line around just about every time she doesn't get exactly what she wants.
I got to sit in a dunking booth for the first time in my life today. It was fun, although as there were only a handful of people at the fundraiser, and as the other booth was populated by a famous Missouri Basketball player, I spent the majority of my stint sitting sadly dry on my sad pedestal. Fortunately my friend was kind enough to pay for his 6 year old son the throw enough balls to eventually get me in the water.
Did you know that I will never have to be on general surgery call again? Never will I have to hear the words, "hey, Holyoak, there are 2 traumas coming in and three Nec Fasc* [pronounced "neck-fash"] consults in the ER. Good luck with that." And although I am currently on call and have been for all but 2 days this week (YIKES!), it is a glorious time filled with prostates and kidneys. So happy I picked urology. I am actually super lucky as I pretty much picked my specialty out of a hat based on little to no real knowledge of what lay before me.
*Necrotizing Fasciitis (click at your own risk, and that of your appetite). Is it legal to start a new series of asterisks?
Finally, some much overdue pictures. I had spent about an hour offloading 5 or 6 hilarious/adorable vids from my camcorder only to realize the sound didn't transfer over, (wtf, firewire?) and totally lost my mind in anger. So you just get these. Deal.