Petarsky and Hutch made me these ridiculously awesome mix-cds. Seriously, I've been jamming to them for 2 days despite the fact that my iPod is now repaired (again) and fully functional. But I'm curious: which song is the "surprise appearance?" And who is playing the all-guitar rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody? Must I site Mixtape statute 1:124:05 section 159 where it states that a listing of the included tracks shall at all times be included with a gifted mix-tape? Thank you, dude. They rule.
Story #2: Somebody backed into my precious RX-8 yesterday. It was in the parking garage at school and I had to stop to let some bonehead do a 19-point turn into a spot when some chick in a Honda Pilot backed right into my side leaving a small but totally image-ruining dent in my otherwise nearly perfect metallic idol. It felt good to finally be in an accident where I wasn't at fault.
Lastly, there is entirely too much good t.v. on lately. What, with the NBA playoffs (go SUNS!), the Office, American Inventor, and, of course, American Idol, how the hell am I supposed to get anything done! Chris, my man, I can't believe you went down. It's up to you, Taylor! May your grey hair lead you on to victory like these other brave prematurely powdery peeps:
the incomparable Steve Martin
dreamy cnn anchor Anderson Cooper
former president Bill Clinton
Colonel Sanders
This guy
1 comment:
For Grey Hair: don't forget the recently peppered Ben Stiller. Mix questions: Bohemian Rhapsody was done by the infallible California Guitar Trio. The surprise appearance was Thom Yorke singing for UNKLE on "Rabbit in your Headlights." I didn't include a list on that mix because I wanted you to guess all of them. I did make a list for the other one, which I'll email you. PS- Since I sent you that, I've thought of like a hundred other covers that should have gone on that cd, so I guess I'll have to make you another one.
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