So last night we went to this lovely little french restaurant for our anniversary. It was your typical snobby affair: ridiculous menu items for ricoculous prices. They serve Calf Thymus, for crap's sake!!! Much to my wife's dismay, I would prefer a $9.95 filling and delicious entree at Chili's to a $59.00 plate of 0.34 ounces of uncooked duck. Malgré all that, it was a great time. Lovely atmosphere, and good company. However, at the end of the meal they brought out some cheese. this was the one part of the meal that I actually planned on truly enjoying. One piece looked not unlike that pictured here. I was so used to eating nast all night that I didn't think twice about eating the hardened crust. About 10 seconds into my first bite I began to get REEEEEEEEEEEAly nervous. My whole soft palate was numb. Uvula and all. I have not been this scared in a while and i was assuming that this is what an anaphylactic response felt like. I was waiting for my trachea to close off. But it never did. Instead, I spent the next 45 minutes to an hour with a numb soft palate. Any explanations from you cheesologists out there? I certainly don't know what the heck happened. Maybe there is a huge underground heroin smuggling ring. They coat all nasty french cheeses with a 1/4" layer of smack and then smelt it out later.
Who knows. But man, it sure scared the crap out of me.
In other news, we are off to a wedding in Northern Pennsylvania. Should be a scenic drive. I am excited. Pictures to follow.
In still other news, my last night's dreams may be filed under "recurring theme of impossibly steep mountains and their inexplicable navigation." I had to drive down a cliff that was covered in metal rails. It was about a mile high. Upon reaching the bottom (magically) I was told to get the hell out of the way so that the next set of cars could come crashing down. It was nuts.
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