Wednesday, July 19, 2006

It's that time again

Presenting the third semi-weekly middle-of-the-freakin'-night post! It is now 3:24 a.m. I am sitting in the triage area. I just had a random fit of chills and my homie says, "that was an ague," and I was all, "wuhhhhhhh?" Check it:
Ague: A fever (such as from malaria) that is marked by paroxysms of chills, fever, and sweating recurring regular intervals. Also a fit of shivering, a chill. Hence, ague can refer to both chills and fevers.
"Aigue" entered English usage in the 14th century, having crossed the channel from the Middle French "aguë". The word share the same origin as "acute." It descends from the Latin "acutus" meaning "sharp or pointed". A "fievre aigue" in French was a sharp or pointed (or acute) fever.

Isn't that interesting? Yes. Yes it is.

By the way, at one point this evening my shirt looked like this:

Pete, you won't want to read this:
Scene: a trauma center.
Med student: "Ma'am, how are you feel..."
Med student: "Ok, then."
End Scene.
It was awful. But not nearly as awful as being the person who is so sick that she vomited food chunks and blood.
Josh out.


napalmbrain said...

whoa, man. that's intense. that happened to sheri once at ld. I can't even imagine what vomit/blood would look like. while it's happening, i mean.

napalmbrain said...

whoa, man. that's intense. that happened to sheri once at ld. I can't even imagine what vomit/blood would look like. while it's happening, i mean.

napalmbrain said...

whoa, man. that's intense. that happened to sheri once at ld. I can't even imagine what vomit/blood would look like. while it's happening, i mean.

napalmbrain said...

whoa, man. that's intense. that happened to sheri once at ld. I can't even imagine what vomit/blood would look like. while it's happening, i mean.

napalmbrain said...

whoa, man. that's intense. that happened to sheri once at ld. I can't even imagine what vomit/blood would look like. while it's happening, i mean.