So here I am in Utah for 4 weeks. I couldn't bring the mrs. and the little one as was planned because of the cursed c-section. This makes for a very unfortunate set of circumstances. At least I can hang out with Pete...oh wait, he's in California now. Ok, then Rob...oh, he's in Florida. Ok, Eric...nope, Minnesota (or is it Wisconsin? Sorry, between Wyoming and Pennsylvania it gets kind of blurry). Alright, well maybe I'll call Connor...oh wait, he's in Boston. The point=everyone is gone!
But my broheim is still here! And we are currently ignoring each other on both of his macs. Look how fun this is:
I'm jealous of this sweet macbook.
I used to love having the window seat on airplanes so I could check out the scenery and try and guess where we were. This desire was supplanted by a need to be able to exit to the Lavatory at any time necessary without stepping over strangers. But today, some pee-hole had taken my seat. Instead of getting up when I showed him my boarding pass he said, "oh you can just sit in my seat. 32F." As in, F-U. Being the pacifist that I am I surrendered faster than the french and took his shite-seat which happened to be the last seat on the plane. And it was a window seat. But this ended up being a pretty sweet experience, at least until my bladder began to twitch around Colorado. I got to watch the clouds and the mountains and the amazingly straight roads between farms.
I got all nostalgic.
And the story that preceeded this lame seat switch was noteworthy, my awesome itinerary required that I make a connection in Atlanta, the largest airport in the modern world, from one end to the other in 15 minutes. Needless to say, this required running for 5 minutes or so to get to the gate. When they announced the last call to board I was 10 gates away. On top of this, I somehow managed to forget deodorant this morning, so my pits were drenched.
X-men 3 was the airplane movie. It was decent, given the circumstances. I wish Juggernaut was a bit cooler. And I wish their were fewer voice-shaking Magneto speeches.
One last note: I miss my wife and my little lucie already! How am I going to make it 4 weeks!??!?
Ok, that was the penultimate note. We ate at my former place of employment today: Eat-a-Burger.
It was pretty great in that the food had hardly changed at all. The fry-sauce was priceless. I still remember the recipe, I think: 30 pounds of mayo, about 32 ounces of Mustard, 4 giant cans of tomato soup, liquid smoke, and something else. It's so weird, but strangely tasty. Ok, I'm going to go be in Utah now.
1 comment:
It's Minnesota! Geeze - get it together man. You should come visit - it's real nice in January ;) Like nothing you've ever experienced.
P.S. I think I may be attending a career fair at your school next month - Woop, woop!
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