I'm already tired.
I had this incredibly transcendant moment during the John Mayer concert last weekend. It was at red rocks so the scenery was incredible, the weather was set to absolutely perfect, the music was just amazing, and the songs had pre-assigned meaning for me, and then on top of all that at one point I wandered down and listened to most of a song from like the 3rd row. Also, I knew that having nice relaxing moments like this will be a less frequent occurence now that the whole Gray's Anatomy has begun, so it all totalled to a life-stopping moment. Haven't had one in a while.
Other than that, I miss my wife and child. I had a horrible and drawn-out nightmare regarding my wife last night. I'm incredibly nervous about starting my job this weekend, yet at the same time I think the actual job portion won't be that bad. Taking call and cross-covering for every known surgical service in the universe will be absolutely horrifying. My first call is Monday night. Be ye forewarned.
On the plus side, the people who are interns with me seem to be real good folks. Especially 3 or 4 of them. Kind of reminds me of the mission in that you know that they are experiencing the same bull crap as you and they have a similar view of the situation, so it just makes you feel that much better.
Pete has a nice Tom Brokaw style (maybe more like Neil Armstrong style) sign off for his blog. I need one too I think. How about:
And that's the truth...PBBBSSSSSTTTTTTT.
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