Anyone care for a dose of the heebeegeebees? Try this. Yuck.
I played/play way too much nintendo as a kid/adult. I have recently noticed that whenever I am given some bad news that is not terribly serious, my mind plays out the sound of mario (or luigi, or the princess, or mr. toadstool) dying from Super Mario Brothers 2. Example: Put dollar bill into vending machine, choose twizzlers, twizzlers get stuck: "Do do-do do-do."
In other news...oh wait, I'm sorry...did we just bump shoes? Excuse me, I have a wide stance when I blog.
Last night whilst on call the following things happened, in order of ascending awesomeness:
1. Called to patients bedside at 2 a.m. because a nurse was worried about poor urine output. After seeing the patient and writing most of a note it was discovered that the tech had emptied the urinal without the nurse knowing and the patient's urine output had, in fact, been stellar.
2. Discovered a row of vending machines that work with a credit card allowing multiple purchases per swipe; spent 5% of this month's paycheck on skittles, gross coconut doughnuts, and cheez-its.
3. Wore an array of not 3, not 4, not 5, but 6 pagers at one time, each with it's own equally obnoxious melody. One, however, was pretty sweet. After about the 5th beep, I realized that it was a robot-cadence version of "starry, starry night," by Don McLean.
4. Heard the first non-sir mix-a-lot usage of the word "anaconda" in reference to my subspecialty's "sub-specialty."
5. While attempting to turn a drunken patient onto his back I placed my hand into a pool of said patients urine.
i'm gar, and i approve of this post.
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