Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dudes...member that sweet game with the helicopter that flies and pics up stranded peeps and then you bring them back to base? Well, even if you don't member, go get this update. It's awesomeness is rivaled only by its freeness.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Welcome to the lucie picture blog

Cute new church coat.

She is seriously into brushing her teeth. And I am just a bit TOO excited about it.

Just finishing a set at Klubwerkz last night.

The blinds are open?!?!?!

There is a world beyond my apartment??!??

Now I know she's my daughter. She appreciates the fine delicacy that is the artichoke.

She already figured it out!

Future virtuoso in the hizzy.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Come for the super huge plane, stay for the nutjob british reporter.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

insert pun here

Cute kids!

My personal fav.

Auntie Emmy and Unky Aron!

Lucie's new favorite activity. I am no longer sure she is my child.

Movie time:

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The unbearable cuteness of being

You guessed it, at the train store. I always wanted to be an engineer.

Lucie did this of her own free will at Targé the other night. Somebody's ready for halloween.

I thought she lost this skill that she once demonstrated regularly. Thankfully, I was wrong.

It turns out Lucie loves diet squirt. Is it wrong to give soda to babies? Any doctors out there?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Who are you aligned with? I was pretty darned surprised.

Click here for the test.

Apparently this is my man:

Sing it with me, "Who's the man who gets all the chicks...Dennis!"

Monday, October 15, 2007


Is it a coincidence that my siblings nicknames all end in ar?

Ok, so the last one doesn't count. But at least her name is close. I am left to try and somehow smash an "ar" on Josh. Jar? Joshuar? It can't be done.

Wow, is this all I have to blog about today? Go Rockies! Last night's game was pretty sweet. How about that 3-run homer?!? How about me knowing what baseball is?!?

Ooh, I know what I have to talk about. Using reverse psychology, I tricked Melissa into going to the world's largest model train store. (really, guys? Really?) At least that's what the huge sign on the side of the building says. Anyway, after spending WAY too much time in there we ended up buying a model train. Yes, we are clinically insane. But it is pretty neato. Since it was so expensive we just bought the locomotive and a (non-matching) caboose. It is a first-gen Union Pacific Diesel Locomotive. And it makes totally sweet sounds. It looks like this, but tiny:

Sweet, no?
I had to endure about 20 minutes of model-train code/babble from this old codger who acted like he didn't want me to buy it because I didn't know enough about the subject. There was a whole lot of talk of "QSI's" and "DCC" and "z79sgj." None of it made any sense to me and I wondered if this is what patients feel like when I explain medical problems to them. You wouldn't believe the amount of effort that people put into model trains and running them. It's pretty intense. I felt like I would have been ushered out by security if I had just been truthful and said "I just want a choo-choo to go around my christmas tree."

Thursday, October 11, 2007



Holy crap, it is a rare occasion that I issue an immediate action order. Here is one such time. Go immediately HERE and witness the glorious combination of Roberto and Bloopers. It is magnificent.

Personal favorite line: "2001...which has already passed..."

Man, I am a bloggin' fool tonight. Please also download THIS free from iTunes. A is for asthma?!? Yikes. B is for Brucellosis. C is for Crohn's. D is for diptheria. E is for epididymitis. F is for fasciitis. (will he actually be able to make it through the whole alphabet?!?) G is for gastroenteritis. H is for halatosis. I is for inguinal hernia. J is for Jaundice. K is for Klebsiella. L is for Leukocytosis. M is for Meniere's disease. N is for neutropenia. O is for ovarian torsion. P is for prostate cancer. Q is for quellung reaction. R is for reynaud's phenomenon. S is for Squamous cell carcinoma. T is for Thyroiditis. U is for Urethral stricture. V is for Varicella. W is for Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome. X is for xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis. Y is for Yellow Fever. Z is for Zosyn.

I didn't even cheat! Ok, so I did. But only for Q and X. And I probably should have for Z. Whatever. You're not the boss of me.

Let me just take this opportunity to put in a plug for one of the funniest shows on television right now, other than america's next top model. It's called It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and it's on the otherwise worthless network FX. That link back there is to a free "making of" dealy. Basically, I just want you all to watch that and maybe download an episode or two, or if you're not filthy rich you could just wait for it to come on the teevee. It is funny. That's all there is to it. I had thought that I would go on a peteresque rant about just how funny it is and why it is so funny. But I am too tired. Just watch it.


This is tripping me out! I only see it clockwise (except for one very fleeting second). I usually think of myself as pretty good at these things but I cannot for the life of me make it change.

In other news, I am in Lucie withdrawal. Look how effing cute!

I'm going to go ahead and pretend to be a follower of baseball and say "Go Rockies!" Anybody want to come out to Denver for the World Series? There's no way we could get tickets, but come on...how cool would it be to watch it on my tv?!?

Also, Peter sent me the Daft Punk song "harder, better, faster, stronger" a million years ago, and I had no idea that it was Daft Punk. But I just knew the song ruled. And now, come to find Mr. West has sampled it for his megahit Stronger. What a world.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I like things that are great

and good things are fantastic.

Recently I have enjoyed the following things:
The Tony Bennett Show
American Beauty
In Rainbows
Ingrid Michaelson

Recently I have been mildly disappointed by the following things:
The Natural
All About Mormons
The Logo for this blog.
...all of which seemed better in the foggy recesses of my memory.

Who knew?

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

I had nothing to do with this

The next time somebody comes to your door and tries to sell you something be nice to them.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

lucie tricks

i lost on jeopardy, baby

Yeah, so I went out to Boulder and failed the jeopardy try-out pretest. I will never make it on that cursed show. But at least I went to this sweet-spot:

Anyone besides Peter and Dad know the significance of this place? It's just a sample of several fun spots I visited, but I have no room to list all the other ones.

I have to get up at the ass-crack of dawn so I'm going to crash. But gar and lar and anyone else who owns a mac and reads this blog be prepared to receive the garage band song sar and I made today. you will all be expected to add a track and pass it to the next person.

Friday, October 05, 2007


Remember when I was interviewed by a reporter and said absolutely nothing of value? That was awesome.

So I'm just bit pissed at myself for not noticing until last night that the effing Jeopardy bus was coming to Denver today! I would have to bail on work to go (which I still might do). I have been dreaming about getting on the dang show for years and here is my best chance and I blow it. Hmm, well it's a quiet day at the hospital so maybe I'll just be a man and go. Unfortunately it's in Boulder (35 miles away) and only the first 1000 people there get to take the test to even see if you're eligible to try out. Curse you, Alex Trebec! Why must you tease me with nigh-unattainable application requirements!?!? Just let me on the damned show! I think it might be even worse to make it on and then choke a la cliff claven (sp?).

In other news Peter had a baby!!! Well, technically his wife had a baby. And JohnE and Rochelle had a baby, too!!! And Gar and Brook, (I hope you guys won't mind me announcing this here) just gave birth to twins!!! Check them out:

So precious.

Cerebro and Finneus Gage are coming to Den-Den today to complete the sibling pilgrimage. We will rock the house this weekend. Ou bien, fin de la semaine.

A propos, tout cela me donne l'envie d'ecrire un peux en Francais. je ne sais meme pas si je peux toujours le faire. Je me debrouille pas mal, il parait. Mais il est possible que je fais pas mal de fautes d'autographes. Bon, ca suffit. Je vais recommencer en Anglais maintenant.

Alright peeps. Peace in the middle east. Wish me luck with the Clue Crew.

Thursday, October 04, 2007