Sunday, October 07, 2007

i lost on jeopardy, baby

Yeah, so I went out to Boulder and failed the jeopardy try-out pretest. I will never make it on that cursed show. But at least I went to this sweet-spot:

Anyone besides Peter and Dad know the significance of this place? It's just a sample of several fun spots I visited, but I have no room to list all the other ones.

I have to get up at the ass-crack of dawn so I'm going to crash. But gar and lar and anyone else who owns a mac and reads this blog be prepared to receive the garage band song sar and I made today. you will all be expected to add a track and pass it to the next person.

1 comment:

napalmbrain said...


I'm reminded of Andy's quote on 10 Wheels: "So we were out at a party that night on 14th and Euclid, and this guy Al comes up to us and he asked if we needed keyboards in the music..."

Viva Los Samples!