Sunday, December 14, 2008


After an unsuccessful attempt at bonding with ole St. Nick at the church christmas party, Lucie finally let down her guard and met with the big man at the Urology party. Behold:

Still a bit hesitant.

Jane had no qualms at all.

Lucie preferred cookie making at first, we owe the party planners about 10 bucks for wasted sprinkles.

Mommie and Jane, who managed to sleep through the whole affair.

Finally she caved.


She still preferred markers as soon as he freed her.

Looking snazzy.

Daddy dressed festively.

More sleeping. The tongue never goes away.

Coming to Utah this week. Can't Wait!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

the darndest things

When Lucie is cold she now says "I colding!"

She calls all soda "pessy" (pepsi) except diet root beer which is called "daddy pessy."

She has an addiction to all things pixar:
"Mouse" = Ratatouille
"Bugs" = A Bug's life
"Wowee" = WallE
"Cars" = Cars (uh...yeah)

In order to go to sleep she requires her "white blankey" which is actually her pink blankey, her "pink inky" (pink binky), and "cackitt milk" (chocolate milk).

When she's not sure which thing we want her to grab or point to she says "Nissan? Nissan?" (this one?)

She much prefers to "sherr" (shower) rather than take a bath.

She was crying because I was leaving and Melissa said "Daddy has to go to work." Lucie said, "Daddy work? Lucie work!" (just try to go to work after that)

Too many other cute things to mention.

Check out some sweet pics of Luce done by a profesh on her blog.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Have a kid...or two.  
Mommy and Jane

Assume the position.

Lucie and friends at Thanksgiving.  

Sunday, November 23, 2008

something witty

The following is long and may only be enjoyable to grandparents and gymnastics enthusiasts.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

1:00 a.m. Horse race

I had to come in from "home call" (which is glorious by the way) to see a patient at 1:00 a.m. tonight and the hospital parking garage had no power. It was pretty creepy circling up the garage in complete darkness. But what's more, they're obviously trying to get the power up and running and a crappy recording of that trumpet solo (like right before the start of a horse race) keeps going off. Again, at 1:00 a.m. I'm sure all the local co-eds are loving that.

P.S. I also got bloody urine splashed in my face tonight. Don't ask.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Philadelphia

Not to be confused with Mr. Hanks' oscar-winning epic, this movie is okay, too. Actually, it was so good that it took two parts to get it all on youtube! Make sure to hang on for the out-takes at the end for Josh's hypocritical fault-finding. My personal favorite: Gar's I Dream of Genie blink. Classic.

Wow, it's a miracle I didn't die of hyponatremia from drinking all that water. And I have to say, those out-takes are about the funniest thing ever captured on film. I could watch them 100 times. And I will.

Picture Pages, Picture Pages

Sweet Sweet Jane

Lucie relaxing with Grandma Celeste

Witch Lucie!


It has now gotten dangerous to actually light as many candles as years I have been alive.

I got a sweet telescope...

And a shiny new iPhone!!!   So spoiled.  

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Happy Birthday to me

It didn't end up mattering, but boy was it close in Missouri.  And check out how the red and blue counties broke down.  We're like our own little microcosm of the country.

For my 30th birthday I would like:
1) A new president
2) World Peace
3) Whirled Peas
4) A Porsche
5) A day off to sleep
6) 2 happy, healthy beautiful daughters

(please note #'s 1, 3, and 6 have already been granted)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Yes we can!

There is Hope!

p.s. is that cornball enough for you?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Shblog goes political!

So, Barack Obama visited Columbia, Missouri tonight, a short 5-minute walk from my place of work. I went over to check it out, only to find that I couldn't get within 100 yards of where he would be speaking. Here are some photos:

The setting: University of Missouri ("MIZZOU") campus.  Lots and lots of people.  

Some idiots climbed trees to get a better look and they received a scary superbright flashlight of doom from these dudes on top of a nearby building.

My camera has a 300mm zoom lens and this was the best I could do, needless to say I was far away.  But we could sure hear him.  He gave a great speech.  But you don't have to take my word for it.  (bah-dum-dah!)  Here is a link to the speech.  I recorded it on my phone, so don't expect Doubly.  ("I think you mean dolby.")  Name that movie!

High School Movie Fest

To Have Loved & Lost

Bad Karma

Bob & Doug's Journey to the Unknown

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lucie (sort of) acknowledges her sister!

And now, more of lucie (for a change):

A sign at my hospital.  Should we be trying to help people be less aware of their pain?  "Don't forget, sir.  This hurts.  A lot!  Are you aware of that?"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

She's home!!!

Pics of baby jane finally home are coming soon. In the meantime, check out Lucie preparing for her impending arrival.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Janie (the official nickname)

Footloose and Tube-free!

The last pic is my favorite. In fact, so much so, that it deserves it's own spot sans-slideshow:

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My little Fuhrer


Anna Jane ("janie" or "AJ" or "AJ-47" or "ganie" (to lucie)) is here!

Check out a bunch of random pics, and then the new addition! She's doing great, hopefully we'll get her out of the ICU and home in the next few days!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

An evening with Lucie

A bit random, but fun.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

oh boy...

Last night Melissa wanted to attend a debate party at the local republican party office. I don't really inform myself enough about anything besides acid/base disturbances lately to form a political opinion, but I generally tend to support Barack because he's such a smooth talker and just looks dreamy, don't you think? Anywho, I'm proud of Melissa for at least giving a crap. When she arrived at the party they had only set up a dinky little tv to watch the debate on. She called and asked if she could come and get our projector. I explained that it was broken and half the screen was dark. She said, "it's just for a few college kids, and anything is better than this t.v." So she came home and I pieced together a rickety ensemble of outdated electronics including some old pc speakers and a dvd burner so that their crappy Coaxial cable connection could be tubed through our dying projector. When I arrived, toddler in tow, it was considerably more than "a few college students." In fact, Frank Donatelli, deputy chairman of the Republican National Committee, was there preparing to speak. (Where's Waldo (Josh)?) I nervously fumbled with my crappy electronics, right behind the speaker, trying to see if I was even going to be capable of producing a picture. I finally got it working. Remember this is a projector, just like at your local movie house, albeit shittier, and the student leader comes over, while all the lights were still on, and says, "Um, does it get any brighter?" I informed him graciously that the lights would need to be turned down. However, even with the lights down, it looked like crap. The leader continued to bitch about the brightness and how "it seems skewed!" [Relating this story to Rygar later he thought I should have replied "maybe it's their perspectives that are skewed."] Anyway, as soon as I was at least 39% sure that it would at least be watchable I wrassled up my wild child (who chirped through Mr. Important's whole speech, btw) and tore out of there stopping only to tell my wife that I would never forgive her for this embarrassing moment. At least I'm famous now. I'm sure I'll get lots of misdirected credit from my republican superiors for being a McCain worshiper now.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Watering the stars

I was watering my lawn tonight and Lucie came out to help. Besides figuring out how to control the firehose sprayer and getting daddy (and herself) sopping wet, she also decided to be really really cute. She was pointing the hose straight up and I said "are you watering the sky?" And she said, "yes." Then she spotted the first star that was out and said "!?!?" She then tried to water the star and reached out for it like it was an ice cream cone. I must admit, it was pretty dang cute.

She forgot how strollers work.

Remember when I did this?


Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Melissa calls this "pregnancy brain."

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Although it gets off to a somewhat rocky start grammatically, the video from the skydiving place arrived and it is AWESOME! Check it out:

Also, many more pics to follow when I get a second. Like this one:

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Wow and WOW.

So...I went Skydiving today and actually survived. Unfortunately the video is being mailed to me on Monday so I can't put that up just yet. However, in the meantime, here are some pics from the day, including the other wow: I got to fly a freaking plane!!!! I went up with my good friends, Julie and Brian who each jumped 4 or 5 times today. During their second jump (I think) the pilot let me fly copilot. See the pics below. This was pretty much the coolest thing I have ever done in my entire life. Riding copilot was cool enough, but then as soon as the skydivers had jumped out, he did a total nose dive and then said "Grab the controls!!!" I grabbed and he let go!!!! He motioned for me to turn from side to side. I did. Then he motioned for me to REALLY turn side to side "LIKE THIS!" he says as we almost roll over from side to side!!!! Then he had me do a 180 all by myself and even...get straight into a giant cumulus cloud!!! I was completely out of my mind excited. I just laughed and laughed. Then he motioned for me to let go and he lined her up and we touched down. UN-FRIGGIN-BELIEVABLE! And all this was before I even went sky-diving!!! I will save that description for when I can put the video up. Let's just say it was even MORE insane!!! So great. What a day. I think I could have jump-started a car with my sweat today I've been so revved up. Unbelievable.

P.S. And I get to go to work at 5:45 tomorrow (Sunday)!!! [trombone: wah-wohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh]

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Best Wedding Ever

I love you, guys!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Meet baby #2

She looks like a Claire to me. (Don't you say it, Pete!)

Baby #1's pretty cute herself. Here she is eating her birthday cake. Can you believe Lucie's 2?

Daddy got Lucie a Beta fish for her birthday. Turns out fish are really boring.

Lucie has a doctor's play set complete with a pager that we had never put batteries into. Yesterday we finally did. She pushed the buttons and it made a beeping sound not unlike my real pager and she started saying, "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Guess one should be more careful when a toddler is listening.

Movie time.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

All's Fair...

We went to the Missouri State Fair today in Sedalia, Missouri. We're talking middle of nowhere, here. It was pretty sweet.

Lucie decided to enlist after she saw this Cobra (not an Apache). The soldier said we could push any buttons we wanted. I went to push the missile launch button and had to pause and ask again, "any button?" "Yes!" She said. I pushed it! It was awesome!

Here you see Lucie returning from her first sortie. I heard she had a few run-ins with Charlie, but she won't really talk about it.

Daddy flashing his new fake/lame guitar tattoo on the Merry-go-round. Not cool.

Mommy got a tattoo today, too.

I put these in black and white because the red & white tent made them all look like it was raining tomato soup. I accidentally remembered how cool b&w is. The petting zoo was far and away the coolest part of the fair.

Very Versus-esque.

Lucie's mind was in a perpetually blown state.

A Zebra!

More of said zebra.

Daddy helping feed some sort of dromedary.

Totally sweet.

The lady behind me was telling her husband, "Now this must be the Yak. They thrive in cooler weather." Close enough.

Left the color for this one. Crazy-huge bird. Emu?

Still blowing her mind. This camel was so cool.

He made Melissa just a bit nervous though.

They eventually kissed and made up.

Some crazy-huge rodent. Cavy? Kavi?

Lucie bear.

Kind of tired. Time to go. It was awesome though.

Happy B-day Gar! May you find many many more iphone apps.