Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Shblog goes political!

So, Barack Obama visited Columbia, Missouri tonight, a short 5-minute walk from my place of work. I went over to check it out, only to find that I couldn't get within 100 yards of where he would be speaking. Here are some photos:

The setting: University of Missouri ("MIZZOU") campus.  Lots and lots of people.  

Some idiots climbed trees to get a better look and they received a scary superbright flashlight of doom from these dudes on top of a nearby building.

My camera has a 300mm zoom lens and this was the best I could do, needless to say I was far away.  But we could sure hear him.  He gave a great speech.  But you don't have to take my word for it.  (bah-dum-dah!)  Here is a link to the speech.  I recorded it on my phone, so don't expect Doubly.  ("I think you mean dolby.")  Name that movie!


Gar Hole said...


brook said...

OBAMA 08!!!

Sarah said...

Fabulous! That must be a seriously cool experience. Your vote actually counts. Great post!