Wednesday, January 30, 2008

whose idea was this?

I just finished a 32-hour shift so I may be delirious, but I'm pretty sure I'm sitting in a jiffy lube waiting for my car and I am having trouble averting my eyes from the television. The very dignified Jerry Springer show is on, and some crazy folk are beating the crap out of each other over who slept with who's landlord. As if this show weren't strange enough, and again I may be hallucinating, but there are multiple people spinning plates on poles randomly on the stage. WTF? Have they lost their minds? Perhaps I am judging too harshly. Maybe their team of writers spent weeks pondering an appropriate symbolic element to display and they meant for us to ponder the fragilty of our interpersonal relationships, and that at any moment we may lose our spiritual balance and fall off the rod of mutual trust only to shatter in discord.

Yeah. That's what they were thinking.

Either way, those hos be CRAZY*!

*please bear in mind that I am post-call and have lost 80% of my better judgement.

1 comment:

gar hole said...

that's the kind of lack of judgement i prefer from my healthcare professionals.
