Sunday, June 29, 2008


Finally, the Polaroids. All credit to Brohawk for showing me how easy and awesome it is to acquire one of these old school cameras. Grab some popcorn and milk duds.

The first shot with Brook's camera.  After becoming accustomed to digital, and the gluttonous luxury of taking of 800 shots to get the right one, the stress of getting each shot right was nearly overwhelming.  Especially with polaroid film being difficult to find (not to mention expensive: $1.50/exposure!).  So my first couple of forays were not pretty.  Still, even crappy polaroid shots are cool.  Here we see Lucie, Dad, and the beast.  

Shot #2: Mel and Lucie.  

Finally a shot I was proud of.  I love this shot!  Doesn't it look like it could be from 1958?

Lucie electrified on the tramp
Photo by Josh.  Incredibly intimidating and seemingly complicated watercolor paper image transfer by Brohawk.   
The first pic (not counting a couple of pitiful attempts now stuck on Dave and Toni's fridge :P ) with my own Polaroid 250.  Unlike Brook's, my camera only has one view finder with a central square that shows things malaligned if not in focus.  Also, my camera required an extremely rare battery that looks like this:

and had to be special ordered.  Talk about your delayed gratification!

Sweet wind turbines in Kansas.

Hee-hees in Kansas.

I think this is my favorite roid yet.  Lucie on our front lawn today.

Alas, no camera is able to capture her mania.  
Lucie on the deck

Mom on our newly patriotic porch. 

Mom in the backyard. 

I call this one, les vaches.

continuing the cow theme.  There were so many of them!  They were very timid at first but then millions came right at me.  I got just a little bit stressed.  

Thankfully I was protected by some wire.  Cows are pretty cool.  

And there you have it!  Polaroids!!!  Man, it's so fun.  I'm going to spend a fortune on film.  
Oh, btw, here's what the camera looks like:

Old-schooly enough for you?  

Mel and I saw not one but 2 movies in the theater last night.  The Happening (which was pretty scary, but not quite on par with previous M Night films) and The Love Guru (which was ridiculously funny).

1 comment:

brook said...

Those are so sweet. Looks to me like you've gotten a good hold of knowing how light/dark to expose your pics. Congrats, it too me a lot of wasted film to get it right.
Sometimes you just luck out though.
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