Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Although it gets off to a somewhat rocky start grammatically, the video from the skydiving place arrived and it is AWESOME! Check it out:

Also, many more pics to follow when I get a second. Like this one:


Gar Hole said...

that music rocked almost as hard as your green jumpsuit! it's to much!

you looked giddy as a school-lad.

i'm jealous. that looks so awesome and scary.


brook said...

That was awesome! I experienced a mini-adrenaline rush just watching it here at home!

Going to do it again!? : )

David said...

so tight, that rad, so where is Josh Holyoak, what did you do with my brother in law? whos is the guy is the picture really?

Sarah said...

I can not stop laughing. Everything about this is awesome. So that is what you guys do in Missouri. I'm glad everything went well. I'm also glad I'm finding out about this after the fact.