Wednesday, December 03, 2008

the darndest things

When Lucie is cold she now says "I colding!"

She calls all soda "pessy" (pepsi) except diet root beer which is called "daddy pessy."

She has an addiction to all things pixar:
"Mouse" = Ratatouille
"Bugs" = A Bug's life
"Wowee" = WallE
"Cars" = Cars (uh...yeah)

In order to go to sleep she requires her "white blankey" which is actually her pink blankey, her "pink inky" (pink binky), and "cackitt milk" (chocolate milk).

When she's not sure which thing we want her to grab or point to she says "Nissan? Nissan?" (this one?)

She much prefers to "sherr" (shower) rather than take a bath.

She was crying because I was leaving and Melissa said "Daddy has to go to work." Lucie said, "Daddy work? Lucie work!" (just try to go to work after that)

Too many other cute things to mention.

Check out some sweet pics of Luce done by a profesh on her blog.


Idaho Bushmans said...

you are such a good photographer josh. cute pictures. your family pictures are really good to. see you in a few. cute kids.

The Watty's said...

You are so entertaining! Lucie is getting so big! The girls are both is fun isn't it?!

David said...

i like the pics, she is so cute, i also love the little things kids say, the last funny thing i heard my nephew say was so funny,he said, "im so hungry i need something to eat" ok what would you like? "a piece of gum". cant wait to see you guys!

Unknown said...

hey, are you not on facebook anymore?

Hydro said...

Nope, I bailed on facebook. Way too much drama. And not the Lifetime network type of drama. More like Real World Vs. Road Rules.