Thursday, November 30, 2006

As promised

With the visiting fam, we visited the NEW and IMPROVED air & space museum out by Dulles (pronounced "duels") Airport. It was 18 times cooler than I expected, and I expected it to be cool.
Exhibit A:

Blur fest photo of Josh's favorite plane as a kid, the SR-71. This thing flew from LA to DC in just under 2 1/2 minutes.
Ok, not really, but it was fast.

A better view of said aircraft. Dang, look how flippin' sweet it is!

A little concord action for y'alls. Grampy Neals was on one of these bad boys.

This is the Enola Gay, which as you probably know, was the first openly homosexual aircraft in the US Airforce.
Man, maybe I shouldn't joke about the plane that dropped the old hiroshima express. Yeah, probably not. [clears throat uncomfortably]

This is called Le Shuttle d'Espace. This one, sadly, never made it to space, but was used in high atmosphere drop/landing runs. Which makes it Ok in my book. Plus it was called the effing Enterprise for crap's sake, how much more cool do you need?

How about this much cool: the back. These were not actually functioning boosters, which I guess subtracts from the cool.

Introducing the progeny to all things awesome early on is a critical point in the Josh Holyoak School of Parenting.

p.s. I am currently drinking Martinelli's straight from the bottle. It's fun to be a pretend wino.

p.p.s. Did you know that wino was spelled like that? I sure didn't. Gosh, how rediculous am I?


napalmbrain said...

At Sheri's Office Christmas Party, they made us non-alcoholic "glamour girl martinis" which were cosmo-pink. That was femmy, but the connection here is now we have half a bottle of non-alcoholic wine in the fridge, which I also enjoyed drinking from the bottle.

ED said...

You're pretty ridiculous and hilarious - but do know what's even more fun than pretending to be a wino? Actually being a wino;)