Monday, January 29, 2007

Friday, January 12, 2007

risky business

I found the following 2 entries randomly the other night. The second one needs no intro. This one is the world's most awkward/inappropriate intro to a rock concert. It's awesome.

Silly Brits.

A man's car is the whole trip sometimes

Deverse Rescrimination

So I'm down to tha Target yesterday to purchase something for my baby (who is currently tripping out). I've gotten fairly used to being the only dude in the store who is alone with a baby in a car seat. But my patience ran thin when I saw [something like] the following on a product I was considering purchasing:

"Moms who know use [blah blah blah]"

Well, what the hell about Dads who know?!??! Sometimes fathers purchase things for their children as well. They even care for them! If you prick us, do we not bleed? (What is that from anyway? Shakespeare? A movie? Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame?)


So anyway, I'm quite jealous of Gar and Bro who are currently chilling South of the Border. Taco Bell sounds quite good actually. But only a few more days.

Also, Gar has sadly left the race of the beards, but I'm still a-truckin'. See the following.


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap


iPod+Phone+WiFi+Bluetooth+2MP Camera+OS X

But before you get too excited, it's not available till June. So much for blowing everyone's mind on the cruise. At least I can still talk about it. And dream about it.


P.S. The listing of features above is but a cursory review. To have your mind blown all over whatever room you're in, go to and you will see why over 200 patents were filed in making this thing. NUTS, people. NUTS!

Monday, January 08, 2007

becoming the machinist

It is 12:56 a.m.

I just did 2 stupid things:
1. Drank one extra-large Diet Pepsi from Taco Bell.
2. Watched Steven Spielberg's Munich.

These two things have combined to place me in a state of paranoid sleepless stupor (see fig 1.1)

fig 1.1

I also did something which feels like a step in the right direction, but only time will tell if it was worthwhile. I spent $150.00 on buying the 4 textbooks that my chairman of surgery said that every good intern should have read. I also bought House of God by Samuel Shem because I think I unwittingly quote it daily and I would like to know just which parts of my quotidian vocabulary are lifted from it's pages.

If you'd like to know what the other 4 textbooks were...ask me when you're older.

It is now 1:01 a.m. The song Biological by Air is currently playing on my iMac. I'm not normally a big Air fan, but this song seems perfectly appropriate for how I'm feeling.

I'm still not tired. Should I play World of Warcraft, or go stare at my projected ceiling clock?

I can't get Eric Bana's pained face out of my brain.

I'm stopping this post before it gets really out of hand.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

It's time to get rid of the woobie

So, you'd think that with the ridiculous amounts of free time I'm currently experiencing that I'd be blogging up a perfect storm. However if you actually did think that, you wouldn't be taking into account the fact that my life has been taken over by a game. Not just any game mind you, but the sweetest game I've ever played. Here are some examples of it's awesomeness:

gar and I after decimating some dudes. Well, he decimated, I watched.

In my cool new outfit.

At least I can get some medical thoughts in there once in a while.

Gosh, we look neato.

This place is perty.

Name that movie.

Still, even the coolest of games is still a game, and spending most or all of one's time playing it is pretty pathetic. Which is why I'm announcing my new years resolution: I will quit playing World of Warcraft this year.

In the meantime, I'm doing my best to turn into Mr. Mom:

"You're slipping, Jack..."

Best quote ever.

This post was also going to be about me losing touch with my homies, but Pete just commented on my last post so now I know he is not actually dead. Sorry dude, I have been on another planet. Figuratively. We should talk soon. Seriously, there are things that...need to be said.
Just kidding. But I miss you, man!

Roberto, what's up with not updating your site? You tell me there's going to be a new pic on there with a certain high school memory-inspiring shot, but nothing!?!?

Eric, how the snap are you? I do read your blog regularly, and I'm a big fan of the beard/fauxhawk.

Connor, you never read this, so I can call you an idiot if I want. Course, we both know that's not true. Love ya, man!

My child just relieved herself in such a fashion as to be audible over the baby monitor. Awesome.
Yesterday, she had this was epic. One for the ages.

Ok, now that you're thoroughly disgusted, I will remind you how awesome my baby is!

SO CUUUUUUUTE!!! (if you could hear how I say that, you'd vomit)
Peace out.

P.S. Cruise in <2 wks.
P.P.S. Apple convention and accompanying announcements in 3 days!!! Super iPod, anyone?

Thursday, January 04, 2007

...warm picnic...

how cool are we.