Monday, January 08, 2007

becoming the machinist

It is 12:56 a.m.

I just did 2 stupid things:
1. Drank one extra-large Diet Pepsi from Taco Bell.
2. Watched Steven Spielberg's Munich.

These two things have combined to place me in a state of paranoid sleepless stupor (see fig 1.1)

fig 1.1

I also did something which feels like a step in the right direction, but only time will tell if it was worthwhile. I spent $150.00 on buying the 4 textbooks that my chairman of surgery said that every good intern should have read. I also bought House of God by Samuel Shem because I think I unwittingly quote it daily and I would like to know just which parts of my quotidian vocabulary are lifted from it's pages.

If you'd like to know what the other 4 textbooks were...ask me when you're older.

It is now 1:01 a.m. The song Biological by Air is currently playing on my iMac. I'm not normally a big Air fan, but this song seems perfectly appropriate for how I'm feeling.

I'm still not tired. Should I play World of Warcraft, or go stare at my projected ceiling clock?

I can't get Eric Bana's pained face out of my brain.

I'm stopping this post before it gets really out of hand.

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