So, you'd think that with the ridiculous amounts of free time I'm currently experiencing that I'd be blogging up a perfect storm. However if you actually did think that, you wouldn't be taking into account the fact that my life has been taken over by a game. Not just any game mind you, but the sweetest game I've ever played. Here are some examples of it's awesomeness:
gar and I after decimating some dudes. Well, he decimated, I watched.
In my cool new outfit.
At least I can get some medical thoughts in there once in a while.
Gosh, we look neato.
This place is perty.
Name that movie.
Still, even the coolest of games is still a game, and spending most or all of one's time playing it is pretty pathetic. Which is why I'm announcing my new years resolution: I will quit playing World of Warcraft this year.
In the meantime, I'm doing my best to turn into Mr. Mom:
"You're slipping, Jack..."
Best quote ever.
This post was also going to be about me losing touch with my homies, but Pete just commented on my last post so now I know he is not actually dead. Sorry dude, I have been on another planet. Figuratively. We should talk soon. Seriously, there are things that...need to be said.
Just kidding. But I miss you, man!
Roberto, what's up with not updating your site? You tell me there's going to be a new pic on there with a certain high school memory-inspiring shot, but nothing!?!?
Eric, how the snap are you? I do read your blog regularly, and I'm a big fan of the beard/fauxhawk.
Connor, you never read this, so I can call you an idiot if I want. Course, we both know that's not true. Love ya, man!
My child just relieved herself in such a fashion as to be audible over the baby monitor. Awesome.
Yesterday, she had this was epic. One for the ages.
Ok, now that you're thoroughly disgusted, I will remind you how awesome my baby is!
SO CUUUUUUUTE!!! (if you could hear how I say that, you'd vomit)
Peace out.
P.S. Cruise in <2 wks.
P.P.S. Apple convention and accompanying announcements in 3 days!!! Super iPod, anyone?
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