Sunday, July 12, 2009

surprise, it didn't suck.

In fact I really liked it. Really.

Melissa rented Knowing with Nicolas Cage and I rolled my eyes. Ever since he entered his post-family man, National "I can't believe they made two of them" Treasure, what-the-hell-is-going-on-with-his-hair phase I have completely lost interest in him or any of his films. Thus I expected nothing short of pure annoyance from this film which seemed right similar in plot synopsis to 2007's Next, a film which sucked enough in the 8 minutes I saw to cause me to turn it off. But, much to my surprise, except for a few plot points, and awkward lines, I was fairly riveted by the whole thing. There are some amazing scenes (I don't use that phrase lightly) and a couple of story decisions which were downright brave. Good on you, Nicolas Cage! Way to not suck so much. Of course, now you* will have slightly increased expectations if you** take any stock in this blogger's opinion (and you*** had better), and this may thus ruin it for you****. Whatever. Go rent it, you.***** Lemme know what you****** think.

*ryan and/or peter
**again, ryan and/or peter
***you get the idea

In other news, a while back I barked at lucie for heaven knows what and she started crying, as she is wont to do. Then she floored me with the following remark: "Daddy, I'm just a widdow girw!" I immediately melted into pieces and gave her whatever she wanted (probably a knife or mixed drink). She picked up on this, however, and now throws that line around just about every time she doesn't get exactly what she wants.

I got to sit in a dunking booth for the first time in my life today. It was fun, although as there were only a handful of people at the fundraiser, and as the other booth was populated by a famous Missouri Basketball player, I spent the majority of my stint sitting sadly dry on my sad pedestal. Fortunately my friend was kind enough to pay for his 6 year old son the throw enough balls to eventually get me in the water.

Did you know that I will never have to be on general surgery call again? Never will I have to hear the words, "hey, Holyoak, there are 2 traumas coming in and three Nec Fasc* [pronounced "neck-fash"] consults in the ER. Good luck with that." And although I am currently on call and have been for all but 2 days this week (YIKES!), it is a glorious time filled with prostates and kidneys. So happy I picked urology. I am actually super lucky as I pretty much picked my specialty out of a hat based on little to no real knowledge of what lay before me.

*Necrotizing Fasciitis (click at your own risk, and that of your appetite). Is it legal to start a new series of asterisks?

Finally, some much overdue pictures. I had spent about an hour offloading 5 or 6 hilarious/adorable vids from my camcorder only to realize the sound didn't transfer over, (wtf, firewire?) and totally lost my mind in anger. So you just get these. Deal.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

At the end of this article from about Michael Jackson's will you will find this gem:

In the day's final development, a London woman filed a 93-page handwritten document in Los Angeles Superior Court claiming she was Jackson's secret wife and the mother of all three of his children.

In asking for all of Jackson's assets, the woman also added: "I have up to 30 children. My Father (Satan the Devil) Khalid Lucifer as he is known, gave them to us."

What a country...