Friday, August 10, 2007

nit (knit?) picking

First of all, check this out, it's just awesome.

So, today I's a walkin' with a good friend who complimented my shirt (I'm all dressed up on account of a conference) and I said, "don't look to close, it hasn't been wrinkled in a while." Nice...

The other day I was reading a report by another doctor and he was trying to describe the location of a lesion using the old clock face description. Except he wrote, "there is a nodule at 1 p.m."

If there is a corner of hell for people who spent their entire lives pointing out flaws, I'll let you know.


napalmbrain said...

That cat lady is freakin disgusting. The way she just throws food all over her house.

What's funny is I'll bet about a hundred cat owners in that neighborhood have been wondering where their beloved pet is.

I believe flaw-finders are consigned to the second circle of hell, and you'll be able to stare down at me in the third circle, amongst all the other people who believed in nothing but the worst of people.

dspot said...

the 120 cat lady, didnt you teach her when you were on your mission? I though i saw her in one of your pics