Tuesday, July 31, 2007


You know what bugs me? Besides Tyra Banks and Nancy Gray? Inappropriate abbreviations. In the field of medicine I am faced with this a lot. Let me try to remember some of my unfavorites.

RTC ("round the clock" meant to imply that something should be done all day long. Shouldn't it be A-round the clock? "Round" should only be used as a preposition in christmas songs.)

Tx, Dx, Sx, Fx, etc (basically, take any word and use only the first letter plus x. Everybody else is left to telepathically infer your meaning. All of them are variable. It's not like Dx always means diagnosis. It also means disease. Sx can be for symptoms or surgeries. You catch my drift. Fx Ax!!!)

Now I'm really bugged because I started this post with one particular abbrev. in mind that was particularly annoying because the abbreviation takes longer to say than the word it's replacing, but of course now I can't remember what it was. 5 free iTunes songs to whoever lists one first.

Now, in response to the commentary of the last post, re: names. Tarsky, you got me all a-laughin' with the 6 degrees of kevin bacon. But the strange thing was I had already dreamed up an awesome cd mix-tape challenge earlier that day. Here's what's what: I give you two artists, say...Guns N Roses (that's just one artist so far, for all of you non gnr fans) and the Samples. And your job is to connect the two in a mix tape with the following rules. Each consecutive song must be related to the last in an alternating fashion as follows: Song by the artist, song by another artist with at least one word in the title (besides a, the, an, etc) in common with the last song, another song by the same artist, then another song by another artist again with a title word in common with the last and so on, and so forth. That's confusing I realize, so let me demonstrate.

Guns N Roses, sweet child of mine, Neil Young - I am a child, Neil Young - harvest moon, The Police - Walking on the moon, The Police - Every Breath You Take, Dixie Chicks - Cowboy Take me Away, Dixie Chicks - Not Ready to Make Nice, The Samples - Did you ever look so Nice.

Now, no credit is given if iTunes is used in assembling the list (like I just did), however extra credit is given for making the connection in fewer steps. I realize that I could have just let you go song to song without making you use two from each artist, but this makes it more complex and interesting, no?

Alright, here is the challenge: M.C. Hammer to Sarah McLachlin.

He (or she) who get's it in the fewest steps will win another 5 iTunes songs. (who am i kidding, pete is the only one who may POSSIBLY even respond to this...[secret psychological tactics at play here]).

p.s. I just ate an orange swedish fish candy that tasted like Comet Cleanser (this smell is a registered trademark of Josh's Entire Childhood), so if I start to slduflurrrr my spehsdlhc;haeeecdh, you'rlllll undrerjstsandnd hnwyyywhyyyydlsh.

Post P.S. Addendum:
Picture pages picture pages...(random bill cosby images should flash across your brain. And possibly a strangely large marker)

On the back of a package of gummy bears I recently injested. Should I be worried?

As depressing as it is for me to add pictures of work (or to even THINK about work whilst enjoying an evening at home) I've been catching some sweet sunrises lately.

Lucie loves straws. She's mutilating one in this pic.

This is still funny to me.

Just cause she's cute and far away. (mel and luce are in DC for the week)

I know I shouldn't mock this, but come on...This is a poster to help people identify what sexual HARRIS-ment is. (NOT her-ass-ment)

Can't tell, but this is a pic of a whole strip of shops called "Fred's Meats", "Pete's Pizza", and "Pete's [something else]." I'll have to get a better pic.

Excuse me, Mr. Adam Duritz: It is not necessary to obscure every living semblance of the original melody and/or cadence when singing your songs live.


Gar Hole said...

i didn't know attempted eye-gouging was considered sexual harrassment.


napalmbrain said...
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napalmbrain said...

I'd agree with you there. Though people sure are into some weird stuff nowadays.

OK, here goes:

MC Hammer: U Can't Touch This (is there any other?)
Peter Gabriel: I Have the Touch
Peter Gabriel: Big Time
James Taylor: These Times They Are a'Changin'
James Taylor: Fire & Rain
Sarah McLaughlin: Into the Fire

No iTunes.

ps- SHE WALKS! I can't believe it. I have yet to post the latest picture of preggers-Sheri. She's a whale, man. Just kidding, and I love you, Sheri, if you read this.

pps- check this site out.


napalmbrain said...

And, oh yeah, that girl getting her eye gouged out is H-O-T!

Jake said...

I can't believe the baby is WALKING! Congrads. (or congrats. Whatever you prefer.)

But wait, These Times They Are A-Changin' is Bob Dylan. Did James Taylor cover that? Does this count???


I got:
MC Hammer - Turn This Mother Out
U2 - Mothers of the Disappeared
U2 - Mysterious Ways
Sarah McLaughlin - Building a Mystery

I did have to look on Joshua Tree to get the right title of that bad last song so I guess I cheated...