Thursday, May 03, 2007

Finally an explanation for my Hydro!

Did you know that the average IQ has risen on average 3 points per decade over the last 100 years? They are continuously updating the scoring of IQ tests so that the average IQ is 100. This means that if children in 1937 had access to a Delorian with a flux capacitor and took an IQ test today, about 1/2 of them would be borderline mentally retarded.

This trend, called the Flynn Effect, not to be confused with the Errol Flynn effect which is the gradual thinning of mustache hair, has several proposed explanations including more education, better nutrition, greater environmental complexity, and Heterosis which is a fascinating topic deserving of it's own post.

Anyways, other exciting things that have happened to the general population include an increase in height of about 1 cm per decade, and [drum roll] an increase in head circumference!!! One could, and should, infer a relative increase in brain size. Therefore, I pay the price for my superior intellect by having to cart this enormous noggin around.

p.s. how was this for a post? So intellectual! Woot me.


brook said...

Why don't you link an IQ test sos we can see who has the biggest brain?

napalmbrain said...

I don't know why I'm leaving this as a comment on your post, but if you haven't seen the movie, Next, do (but wait for either the dollar flicks or until you can rent it)- Nick Cage's character in that's last name is Johnson, which creates some awesome lines on the part of the million CIA operatives running around trying to find him. Of course, the lines are only really funny provided in your head you add the word "my." Or "your."
"Let's wait until we can get a hold of Johnson."
"I've got Johnson in my sights. Awaiting orders."
"It looks like everyone wants a piece of Johnson nowadays."
"Didn't Johnson appear in a magic show on the Vegas strip last year?"