Tuesday, May 15, 2007

my child is wild

Lucie was born with a special sensor chip implanted in her brain that allows her to detect which object in her vicinity may be the MOST dangerous, breakable, and/or expensive. She also has a homing program that causes her to immediately grab and destroy said object.

So, in my measurable mercy I have decided to grant Petarsky a prize for the mystery mix even though he didn't get the answer I was looking for. This is mostly because his sister sent me on a whirlwind guilt trip, but also because pete was partially correct when he said that "maybe the connection between the songs is simply that Josh thinks they rock," (something like that), because that is true.

I am not going to just give him a blank check to spend at Steve Jobs' toy store. I get to pick what he wins. And I am going to do that right now.

[some time later]

I sent petros-petros gali the film "Gross Pointe Blank" with the following inscription.
"In honor of our upcoming 10-year reunion, which I will probably miss, and in dishonor of you not guessing the mix theme."

I am so mean/awesome.

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