Saturday, November 17, 2007

Home (?) again?

So...(that's better) I decided to fly out to DC on the spur of the moment yesterday so that we could be with Melissa who had to come out here on Thursday for work. Flying with Lucie proved to be quite trying. Especially when she broke my glasses. [trombone: wah wah wah wahhhh]. But at least I got to spend all morning getting new glasses! Wondering around with poor vision with a cute but occasionally unhappy baby is also work. Highlights of the above stories: Lucie finally going to sleep as we took off, and then the wicked witch of the west next to us spills her effing club soda on us waking us both up. "It's only club soda," she "apologized." Great.
Lucie was checking out some big stuffed animals at a pretty cute store and fell onto a metal bar holding a shelf up. She got a bloody lip and I was sure that she would require emergent plastic surgery, but thankfully it was just a bloody lip. Still sucked. We bought a stroller and grover. She did not like either of them in their intended function, but did enjoy this role reversal:

You should have seen the conniption she had when I tried to actually put her in the stroller. Actually, you shouldn't have.

At least all was well in the end. Check it:

Look different from my old ones? Nope? Good.

1 comment:

napalmbrain said...

Nice specs. So when are we going to vegas?