Monday, November 06, 2006

how did I forget about this?

And the radio man says it is a beautiful night out there. And the radio man says rock and roll lives. You live in Los Angeles and you are going to Reseda. We are all in some way or another going to Reseda, some die. And the radio man laughs because the radio man somethings a model, too. Gone savage for teenagers with automatic weapons and boundless love. Gone savage for teenagers who are aesthetically pleasing, in other words "fly." Los Angeles beckons the teenagers to come to her on busses. Los Angeles loves love.

It is 5 a.m. and you are listening to Los Angeles.


napalmbrain said...

oh my gosh. one of my favorite songs. welcome to cali.

Jake said...

Welcome to Cali?? We said goodbye to Cali! And now we're in Nepal.

Josh, your baby is like angel spawn -- possibly the cutest young human ever. Wow! We are impressed. Dana and I don't think we can ever compete. But someday we will try.

Say hello to your lovely wife for us. Oh and remember when its your baby it's not called "baby-sitting", it's called "parenting". Which can definitely be done while blogging and/or playing X-Box 360...
