Tuesday, August 01, 2006

RocketFest 2006

So, we convinced our amigos to come launch some ballistics the other day. It was a day of many failures, a few successes, and one success that was so successful that it failed. Please enjoy the amazing extravaganza of photos thanks to emmy's discovery of my cameras rapid fire feature:

Our raison d'etre.

Melissa is ready to go.

Aron is ready to rock.

The rocket was violated...err...readied.

A safe distance was gained

Melissa was both giddy and cautiously confused.

BLAST OFF! After this shot our necks actually rolled off backwards.

Aron was quite proud of the first launch.

The next launch was equally mind-blowing.

Let the rapid-fire shots begin:

Aron ran like the wind but could not catch the rocket.

Emmy was thrown into a fit of vogue-ing by the excitement.

And now for some sweet action shots:

The smoke from the launches nestled in the grass.

The girls prepare for the launch.


This is ground control to Major Tom!

The penultimate launch was actually a tactical disaster as evidenced by aron's disappointment.

The last set of rapid-fire pics deserved nothing short of a 70's montage. Please enjoy.

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