Thursday, October 26, 2006

then quothe the raven: nevermore

Fact: Yesterday morning as I left my house, approximately 1 million and one half birds were seen flying and making amazing noises. They appeared to be of the crow/raven variety. See exhibits 1.1 and 1.2.

Exhibit 1.1

Exhibit 1.2

Fact: Later that same day I visited a church/burial grounds across the street from the hospital where I "work." One Edgar A. Poe was buried therein. See Exhibit 1.3.

Exhibit 1.3.

Eerie coincidence? I

I saw some other sweet things that were mesmerizing. You know what, I use the word "sweet" far too often. Today I shall instead use whatever the first word is listed in my thesaurus for sweet. Ready, ok here we go. It was "sugary." Ok, so here are some other sugary pics.

Behind this door people dressed in oddly shaped and randomly colored uniforms splatter paint across patients backs in hopes that this will cure them.

This is the it shaft. This is where it is placed. Which is cool, because if you're looking for it, it will be here.

Totally sugary marble bench in Poe's cemetary.

People had left coins on Poe's tombstone and it took all that I had not to steal this one. I did turn it over to check it's date though. It was a 1950. Big whoop.

This dude apparently thought the cemetary was as cool as I did.

And there you have it, folks. A totally sugary set of pics.

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