Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Why, hello there.

So Radiology is truly as much of a vacation as I was advised. Pretty sweet. It has allowed me to find time to do things like...find a totally sweet new free piece of software that will let you add a 3D model of your house to google earth. Look what I made:

It's called Google SketchUp (like Ketchup-Geniuses!) and can be found on I'm sure. If you are like me, and are a big dork, you will dig it. You should definitely do the tutorials though.

Ok, dorkout session finished.

So I spent a bleeding month (quite literally at some points) in Utah and now I'm back. My poor car had been ignored so long that a rather large cobweb had developed on it. Actually, I don't believe it can be called a cobweb until the MAMMOTH HORRIFYING CREATURE occupying it's center has long been dead.

This picture doesn't quite do it justice, but the mrs. has hijacked, er...rightfully taken posession of my, er...our nice camera.
Speaking of the Mrs., look how cute she is:

But for crap's sake! Could we live in the same city please?
Whilst in Utah I got some major chill time in with Rygar and Broooooke (5 o's means you're special). They approved of the baby:

I also saw the sisters, although I failed to get a full face (see above) phone pic of LarLar binks so this will have to suffice:

Cerebro drove us around. It (and she) rocked. Literally. Well the "she" part was literally true.

Cerebro's offspring was pretty dang sweet. He is Charlie Brown! Just look at him!

I love my house. I don't want to move. Can I have my house moved to wherever I match, please?

p.s. Did I already blog about this? My textbook describes the kidney as "a kidney-bean shaped organ." I believe the kidney bean was named for the...oh never mind.

1 comment:

brook said...

"Special" as in retarded?

Thanks! Did Ryan ever give you that quarter? O_o