Monday, April 23, 2007

Mix-off 2007

In light of the recent onslaught of mixes that I have received from both my dad and my BFF, I am announcing the first annual Mix-off. Any and all mixes sent to me will cause a mix of equal or greater value to be sent back from me. But first, let me just say a few words about the not one, not two, but three mixes recently sent to me by one Petarsky. First of all, there were no labels and no accompanying documentation from which I could glean any sort of rhyme or reason to their make-up. I became obsessed with discovering the theme of each, even though I was forced to import them into iTunes under the sadly anonymous monickers "Pete's Mystery Mix #1, 2, and 3." I believe one of them was meant to be "the worst covers ever to have been recorded" mix. I laughed until my ears bled at the sound of some asian man groveling through Led Zeppelin's When the Levee Breaks, and I continue to laugh when I think of it. However, I am completely at a loss as to the theme of the other two mixes, and my poor neurotic brain cells cannot wrap their collective selves around the idea that possibly the mixes were just a group of songs that were liked by old Tromiles. Therefore, i have concocted, during my most recent road trip to Philly, in the state of PA (imagine Josh cruising up I-95 at 80 mph with a grilled stuffed burrito in one hand and the thumb of his other hand furiously thumbing-up an on-the-go playlist on his newly acquired Mega-iPod), a mix that I will soon send to the far reaches of California. Mr. Romney, your mission, whether or not you choose to accept it, is to decipher the theme of this mix. It is so subtle...that I will offer a reward to you for your successful decipherage of it's theme within the allotted time. If you post a comment to this blog with the correct theme by May 6, 2007 (5/6/7!!!) I will send you your choice of the following: 1) an iTunes gift certificate in an amount of my choosing, 2) a subscription to various and sundry pottery barn catologues, or 3) an invitation to my upcoming graduation.

Let the games begin!!!

p.s. wow, being back on a rigorous work schedule sure has done marvels for the old shblog, eh?

1 comment:

napalmbrain said...

I know what you mean about the work schedule. School puts me on a good blog schedule as well.

About the mixes - Good job on #1. Mixes it was: "Josh's Undercover Mix 3 - Back under cover." or something.

Mix #2: Just a cool mix of stuff. That's the one that starts with G. Love. If you can unify those songs, though, well done.

Mix #3: Creepy Goodness - Songs guaranteed to make you lose sleep or just go about your day feeling very uneasy about the world, with the added bonus that they generally are enjoyable.

Admittedly, there were some songs on Mix #2 that should've been on #3, and vice versa.

ps- be prepared to email that itunes certificate, bitch.