Thursday, May 11, 2006

Back from Zion

Having returned from the crossroads of the west and taken 2-3 days to realign my brain with reality, I will now document some of the events that thereuntoheretofore occurred.

First, twas dad's birthday. It was pretty sweet. Especially when dad called the police.

Lots of totally awesome computers type people were there, exhibits A and B.

Exhibit C and the back of Exhibit B.

Many baby showers were held. Just imagine the above scene played over and over again 50 times. But in a good way.

Tons of family that I hadn't seen in a billion years (or ever) were there. Special thanks to Jaime for the scans that brought back to life the following:

Does this not look like Rygar, Bill, and Josh? What's even stranger is when you realize that you actually look like your recent ancesters, for example:

Can you see it? Well I can, and its nuts.

So anyway, I drove this sweet hearse around for the weekend. And I made lots of other people ride in it's morbid shell.

Like Gar


& CarTar who, unbeknownst to most people used to star in MTV's Jackass.

Of note, my uncle bought this dream machine Lotus. Jealous, much?

This tot-sweet dog came and joined us for lunch at one point.

And that about sums up the weekend, en bref. It was sweet. Except that it made me wish I could just hop on a plane every weekend and chill with friends and fam.

P.S. It is lightning like a MOFO right now. Nuts.

1 comment:

The Bombic said...

Who is that hot guy in the wedding photo holding Pete with you? Miss you guys.