Saturday, May 20, 2006

How can I not be myself?

I [heart] Huckabees is a totally sweet show for the following reasons:
1) Naomi Watts is my hero. Well, my heroine. My heroin. She's like morphine.
2) Marky Mark Wahlberg is one of the most underrated actors of our time.
3) It brings the Lily Tomlin and Richard Jenkins together again for the first time since Flirting with Disaster, which, incidentally, is one of the top 5 funniest movies ever made.
4) Dustin Hoffman is so sweet.
5) Totally sweet and sparingly used special effects.

and despite the following weaknesses:
1) Jason Schwartzman
2) Jude Law, bless his heart, sucks at speaking American.

I still give it 2 thumbs up. Actually, I give it one entire-universe-encompassing blanket up. See the movie. That line still won't be funny, but see the movie.

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